Human history is replete with numerous examples of co-existence of man and wild animals for long. India boasts of a rich tradition of respecting its wild denizens. People have inherited this trait of showering concern and love for animals from ancient times. In general, they revere most wild animals as vehicles of God and appreciate their importance to humanity. For instance, for more than 1500 tribal, spread over 54 hamlets inside the 103 Sanjay Gandhi National Park in the heart of Mumbai, waghoba or tiger is a deity and they claim to be friends with 40 odd leopards- representing the highest density- occasionally preying on their poultry and cattle. They share the space with animals and harbour no hatred towards them- all through the centuries of co-existence. A similar ‘live and- let- live policy underpins life around many forests and protected areas across the country. However, heavy economic losses sustained due to wildlife attack beyond certain threshold level test t
All about Indian Wildlife- Fascinating narrative of India's wildlife's uniqueness and glory, trials and tribulations, persecution and perturbation, challenges and opportunities, successes and failures in their management realistically assessed by a professional forester and wild lifer with 35 years of field experience